W37D5 – Sports

I’m finally in my last month of pregnancy.

I feel big, tired, and ready to not be pregnant. Like just about any preggo in her ninth month. Ha!

Many of my favorite sports I’ve put on hold for now, or else slowed waaay down:
– Bouldering: stopped at two months (doctor’s orders)
Aerials: stopped at five months due to decreasing muscle strength and an unexpected fall
– Running: stopped at seven months due to sore hip and pelvis ligaments
Biking: stopped at eight months after becoming difficult to reach handlebars (check out how I raised my handlebars to make it this far!)
– Climbing: still top roping, but not at my usual level since about seven months (feeling too heavy and weak, with low endurance)
– Walking: still walking, but for no more than 2-3 miles (lower back gets achy)
handlebars 2
Prenatal yoga has been unaffected and is my haven! The weekly class I go to feels wonderful for my soft body and provides the perfect community of fellow first-time preggos. Everyone is super friendly, and it’s rewarding to be a part of other preggos’ journeys: the nausea and uncertainty of first trimester, the energy and optimism of second, and the final weariness and realization of third trimester.

At this point I only have a few weeks of pregnancy left. It feels like just yesterday I was googling “what it feels like to be pregnant” and wondering what changes would come to my body. It’s hard to believe I’m almost done!

Check out What it Feels Like, trimesters one and two:

first tri feels like 1 second tri what it feels like

Next up: labor and delivery, then postpartum recovery. Stay tuned for getting back to a normal sports routine!

KK 03mar19